There are moments in Haines that make me stop in my tracks and truly appreciate just how special this place is. As a local, I see the beauty of this land every day—I live it, breathe it, and am constantly reminded of why I chose to make this place my home. But even with that deep appreciation, there are still days that leave me completely in awe, as if I’m seeing it all for the first time.


Today was one of those days.


It’s January. Our annual Bald Eagle migration peaks in November, when we see an influx of 3,000 to 4,000 eagles drawn to the salmon-rich waters of the Chilkat River. By this time of year, I expected to see a few lingering eagles in the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, but I was not prepared for what I witnessed. Instead of a few scattered silhouettes in the trees, we saw hundreds of Bald Eagles in the 22 mile stretch of highway from the town of Haines up into the heart of the Preserve —perched along the riverbanks, soaring overhead, calling out to one another. It was a breathtaking display of wilderness, a raw and powerful reminder of why this place is unlike anywhere else.


When the eagle action is like it was today, I could spend every minute of daylight in the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, completely captivated by the sheer number of birds, the way they interact, and the wild beauty of the scenery. Bald Eagles are truly majestic! There is something mesmerizing about watching bald eagles soar, jostle for position, call out in their sharp, piercing cries as they feast on salmon along the banks and in the trees. It’s the kind of experience that reminds me, yet again, why I love this place so much.


My life was forever changed the moment I first set foot in Haines as a college student. Like so many before me, I was captivated by the towering mountains, the ever-changing fjord—sometimes stormy, sometimes impossibly still—and the way nature flourishes here, untamed and wild. I never imagined that a single summer job would alter the course of my life, but that’s exactly what happened.

For many travelers planning their dream trip to Alaska, this is the place they’re searching for—even if they don’t realize it yet. They may come looking for adventure, breathtaking landscapes, or the chance to disconnect from the ordinary, but what they find in Haines is something deeper. It’s the feeling of standing in a place that still belongs to the wild, where eagles soar overhead, glaciers carve through valleys, and the rhythm of life is shaped by the tides, the wildlife, and the seasons. It’s a connection—to nature, to history, to something bigger than themselves—that lingers long after they’ve left. Haines has a way of weaving itself into people’s hearts, turning a visit into something more than just a trip. For many, it becomes the place they’ll always long to return to.


Haines is Alaska at its most authentic. It’s a place that centers you, that grounds you in nature, that makes the daily stresses of life feel small in comparison to the sheer grandeur of the world around you. A place where you disconnect to reconnect. Here, you don’t just visit—you feel the presence of the wild. You stand beneath towering peaks, watch eagles feasting on salmon, and listen to the river flow past, teeming with quiet power and the abundance of life.


And no matter how long you’ve been here—whether it’s a day, a season, or a lifetime—there will always be moments that stop you in your tracks. That remind you just how incredible this place truly is.


So if you’re dreaming of Alaska, come see Haines for yourself. Let it leave you in awe.